Data Overview

This page is intended as an overview of how unolog·in uses personal data and how to manage it.

We do not sell or otherwise share any of your personal data with any third parties, except for any data you choose to share with the apps you sign up for using your unolog·in account.

Please refer to our privacy policy for detailed information.

You are in control

unolog·in allows you to keep your personal data in your own hands. We try to make it as simple as possible for our partners to automatically comply with data protection regulations by using our service. Actions such as changing data or revoking access rights on unolog·in will automatically take effect on connected apps.

You can use our Data Hub to inspect and manage your data.


We use cookies to store pieces of information within your web browser. Cookies enable us to remember who you are, so you don't have to log in every time you visit unolog·in.

We do not make use of any tracking technologies for advertising or similar purposes. Our use of cookies is entirely limited to functional purposes.

Unfortunately, it is technically not possible to show you all cookies on this web page, but you can view them through your browsers development tools. Consult the guides or documentation of your specific web browser in order to access this data.

Machine readable file

If you have an account, we provide you with a machine-readable file of all the data we have collected about you.

This data is also available to inspect in human-readable form via the Data Hub.

We do not collect any data on site visitors without a unolog·in account.

You need to log in to view your file.