Why we created unolog·in

March 31, 2023
Image of the Author.
Adrian Kriegel
Founder and CEO
friendly alternative
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  • we created unolog·in as the "friendly alternative" to existing authentication providers
  • we will never use tracking or sell any personal data to any third party
  • unolog·in gives your users full control over their personal data
  • as a consequence, unolog·in helps you increase trust and transparency and helps in complying with regulations such as the GDPR
  • unolog·in is easier to integrate than many existing alternatives
  • unolog·in comes with fair, predictable pricing
As software developers, we've all been there. You're building an amazing website or app, and then you realize that you need to build an authentication system to manage user identities. It's a necessary component of any web or mobile application, but building it from scratch can be a daunting and time-consuming task. That's why we built unolog·in - an authentication and authorization platform that takes care of the heavy lifting for you.

Read this post to learn how unolog·in works.

Don't build your own auth.

No one should have to build their own authentication system. It's a core component of most applications, and it's something that every web developer has to deal with at some point. But building it yourself can be a real headache. There are so many different factors to consider - security, privacy, user experience - it can quickly become overwhelming.

Why not just use existing solutions?

There are many companies out there providing authentication and user management solutions. Why build yet another one? - We had multiple reasons.

The friendly alternative

When it comes to big tech products, there seems to be a "friendly alternative" for almost everything. Google has DuckDuckGo while WhatsApp has Telegram and Signal. When it comes to user management and authentication, we are filling this gap by providing an alternative to big tech companies who have a track record of selling off any personal data to the highest bidder. We believe that users deserve to have full control over their data, and we're proud to offer a platform that prioritizes privacy and transparency.
This is why we pledge to never sell any personal data to any third party.

Privacy and Transparency

Authentication isn't the only concern. With the rise of privacy awareness - most notably in the form of regulations like the GDPR - it's become more important than ever to protect user data and provide transparency into how that data is being used.

Your users need to be able to

  • request
  • modify
  • and delete
any of their personal data at any time. Most companies still handle data erasure requests manually, which (unsurprisingly) comes at a high cost.

Yet, existing authentication platforms simply don't provide the necessary infrastructure and interfaces to comply with GDPR requirements.

We want to go beyond just authentication - our Data Hub is designed to fulfill all GDPR requirements, provides users with full control over their personal information, and much more.
Beyond any regulations, we believe that users should have full control over their data. As developers, we know that data protection and transparency are critical to building trust with users. Big tech companies have been known to spy on their users, which has resulted in a lack of trust in many tech products. In most cases, however, this lack of transparency is often due to developers not having the time or resources to concern themselves with regulations. By using unolog·in, developers can now provide their users with a level of transparency and control over their personal data, which - beyond being the right thing to do - helps in building trust in their products.


Existing authentication solutions can be either quite expensive, or be totally opaque about their pricing models - luring customers with free tiers or other pricing traps. At unolog·in, we provide you with entirely predictable and affordable pricing models.

Overly complicated

While many solutions out there appear to be quite simple (and often are), we believe that it can be even simpler. Some solutions require hosting at least parts of the infrastructure yourself. Why bother with DNS setups, JWTs, cookies, route handlers, and more when an auto-generated config combined with a few lines of code is all you need?

Don't believe it? Have a look at our example application or implementation guide.

Final thoughts

In essence, we believe that
everyone should have the right to hold their own data in their own hands
- that's why we created unolog·in.